A safe pool,
a perfect swim

A presentation of the Lifesaving Society

Take all precautions necessary for a safe swim

All effort must be made to be prepared in case of an emergency. Taking the necessary precautions will also help you to avoid the serious consequences of a moment’s inattention or forgetfulness.

Check out our information kit for a Perfect Swimming.

Before a swim.

1. Learn first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

It has been shown that a delay in administering first aid is a determining factor in whether a victim is left impaired or not. By learning emergency response techniques, you could save the life of someone close to you.

2. Write your address and emergency numbers near phones.

Even if 9-1-1 is easy to remember, the babysitter, for example, may not know the address of the house by heart nor the numbers of the people to contact.

3. Bring a wireless phone with you to the pool.

If it rings, you’ll be able to answer while continuing to keep watch. And in case of an emergency, it will be extremely useful to call for help.

4. Have with you everything that you might need.

Drinks, sunglasses, towels and sunscreen.

5. Keep a buoy, flotation device, life jacket or pole near the pool.

If someone in the pool is in trouble, you can quickly come to their aid with a flotation device.

6. Establish the rules to use the pool.

Forbid anyone from diving head first, running or shoving others around the pool, and any game which requires participants to hold their breath under water.

During a swim.

1. Designate an adult to watch over the pool.

When several adults are present, for example, at a birthday party, it is common for adults to incorrectly assume that someone is watching the pool. Always designate an adult for the task so the children are never left unsupervised.

2. Never let your children out of your sight.

You must always remain alert when children are in the pool. Refrain from reading or checking social media sites on your smartphone. Also ensure that preschool children are within arm’s reach.

3. Never leave a child alone in a pool even if it is only for a few seconds.

If you must leave, ask the children to get out of the pool and accompany you, even if only for a brief moment.

4. Always swim with someone.

Whatever your age or skill level, never swim alone.

5. Know the signs of drowning.

A victim in trouble will not call for help since the survival instinct will cause them to focus solely on breathing. Drowning happens in silence. That’s why it’s important to visually recognize the signs of a drowning child.

Signs of drowning:

  • Face and eyes look panicky.
  • The child may appear to be playing in the water.
  • The body is in a vertical position.
  • The arms are making quick, energetic movements at the sides and in front.
  • The gaze is upwards.

After a swim.

1. Do not leave toys floating in the pool.

Floating toys and objects may attract a child to the water and increase the risk that they will fall in.

2. Make sure all points of access are securely closed.

Ensure that the gates to your fence have automatically closed and locked, and remove any object away from the pool that someone could climb to access the pool.

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