A safe pool,
a perfect swim

A presentation of the Lifesaving Society

Make sure all electrical sources near your pool do not pose a risk of electrocution.

Electricity is a serious matter where pool and hot tubs safety are concerned. Sources of electricity near the pool can be electrical wires, plugs or any electric device.

1. Keep all electrical wires at the minimum distance from your pool or hot tub.

If possible, do not install a pool or hot tub underneath electrical wires. If not possible, visit the Hydro-Québec website to find out what constitutes a safe distance.

2. Choose a fibreglass pole.

Accessories, even in wood, can cause electrocution if used too close to electrical lines. The typical pole used to clean a pool is often made of aluminum—a metal conductor. They are generally 4.8 metres (16 feet) long and therefore represent a dangerous risk. Choose a non-conducting pole available from pool retailers. Even if there are no electrical wires present, a fibreglass pole will protect against all possible risks of electrocution.

3. Have a master electrician install your pool’s electrical system.

4. Make sure the outside socket on your house that faces your pool is equipped with a breaker.

5. Check your filtration system cord.

It must be in good condition and connected to a breaker. It is recommended that the socket be in a place where water cannot reach it and the round pin of the grounding plug cannot be bent or split.

6. Make sure that your pool’s lighting system has been installed according to current guidelines.

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